Boombox (Ethos)
We're trying to keep it regular, so here is a brand new sound pack called Ethos, by our wonderful composer Isaac Brockshus.
The concept behind the Ethos sound pack, was drones, buzzes, atmospherical and otherworld type ambience for mystery and suspense type animations. When Isaac and I spoke with our talented friend/illustrator Jamie Givens (of GVNZ Studio) we all kind of felt that a mystical landscape could be just the fit for these sounds.
Jamie felt that symmetry would help create a sense of balance, since most of the sounds in Ethos are meant for backgrounds. Also, the use of a softer charcoal texture helped to make the imagery feel a little lighter.
Here is a pack description: Quiet floating ambiences and sweeping transitions serve as the perfect background to your project's main elements. These sounds are designed to be looped and layered to create even more unique environments.
Originally we were thinking about a more "ghost-like" environment as Jamie originally had above. However - Ethos ended up a little more vibrant and tonal with some tweaks from Isaac. So we ended up sticking with the bright punchy red, as well as an emptier feeling.